Sequoia tree forest on the way to Lunny Ranch where our field tests take place.
After the initial tests and assembly we arrived at the Lunny Ranch where we will be conducting our field tests for the Vence system. About a 1.5 hour drive from San Fransisco the commute to and from the ranch through the amazing Bay Area forests provides an excellent time for reflection on observations and discussions on future steps. Our first day in the ranch was rather rainy. We had drizzles and wind for most of the time we were there.
Cattle herd at the Lunny Ranch
Situated over a 1500 acer grass land Lunny Ranch has a herd of 100+ Angus cattle. The owner and manager of the ranch is a very progressive gentleman who offered us his insides and critique about certain aspects of our approach.
The third experimental cattle mounted system offers significantly improved mechanical properties and ease of use. When handling animals upward 1,500 lb who are easily excitable it is crucial to be able to attach and detach the unit quickly. The rainy first day also confirmed for us that the new and improved enclosure provides necessary splash proof protection which will be necessary for long term test coming later in the year.
Cattle at the Lunny Ranch in a pen prior to a test run. One animal is instrumented with a Vence Cattle Rider unit.
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