Our electronics assembly shop during the third Vence field trip.
In our first couple days we will be assembling and testing the collar version 3. There are mechanical, electrical and software components that were designed on separate tracks over the past month. These components are coming together today.
Fully assembled test stack for the Vence collar v3.
The stack consists of various sensors such as GPS. An onboard state estimator software employs all available sensors along with a crude kinematic model of a cattle to estimate its behavioral configuration.
Partially assembled electronics stack for the Vence collar v3. The bottom board is our custom design. The top board is a RPi Zero W.
The heart of the design is the behavioral control algorithm under development. In its core Vence system is a distributed control architecture. This proprietary mechanism decides how to stimulate each cattle based on global goals and local information in order to produce the desired herd level movement behavior.
[…] the initial tests and assembly we arrived at the Lunny Ranch where we will be conducting our field tests for the Vence system. […]
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